The Grande Villa is a 41 unit apartment dwelling privately owned but under a HUD agreement. It is for elderly, handicapped, or disabled individuals capable of independent living. The amount of rent paid depends upon income minus medical expenses to find adjusted gross income. This figure is then divided by 12 for the monthly income and then multiplied by 30 percent to find monthly rent. Therefore, it is impossible to quote a price for a unit. An annual review of finances thereafter is part of the program.
We are ideally located. The Senior Center and Post Office are directly across the street. The Center has the Meals on Wheels program that will deliver to the apartment. The medical center, the grocery store, the bank, hardware shore and library are all within one block of our building. The grocery store delivers groceries two times per week. Main street is one block to the east where other businesses are located.
We have 26 one-bedroom apartments and 15 two-bedroom apartments.
We have 24-hour digital Security Camera system which is active at both doorways and in all hallways.
We are ideally located with the Senior Center and Post Office are directly across the street.
We have 26 one-bedroom apartments and 15 two-bedroom apartments. Each apartment has its own stove and refrigerator with kitchen cabinets. All other furniture is required. Each apartment has its own thermostat with central air conditioning for summer convenience. Safety railings are an added feature in the bathtub area. Emergency cords are located in the bedroom and bathroom. When pulled, it rings into the sherriff’s office for investigation.
The average size of a one-bedroom apartment is 22 feet by 27 feet or about 594 square feet. The average size of a two-bedroom apartment is 23 feet by 32 feet or 748 square feet
An elevator is in place and under a bi-monthly maintenance contract. An electric door is at the rear entrance with conventional doors at the front entrance that are locked at 8:00 p.m. for security reasons. Three keys are issued at the time of move-in, one of which opens the front and rear doors and two which open the apartment door.
The Grande Villa has a 24-hour digital Security Camera system which is active at both doorways and in all hallways. Therefore, the Grande Villa is a safe and secure building.